
Ana Campagnolo

Ana Campagnolo was born and raised in a humble household in Itajaí, a small town in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. As a young girl at school, always determined to get the best education possible, she first encountered feminist influence in subtle ways. It captured her attention and made her interest in studying grow even more. She later received a bachelor’s degree in history from the Community University of Chapecó, and for over a decade, she passionately devoted herself to teaching in local schools. During that time, she also began rigorous pro-life work within her community and online.

Ana Campagnolo’s community service was recognized by the population of Santa Catarina, which in 2018 elected her to the position of State Representative with more than 34,000 votes. Four years later, she was re-elected to the same position with an impressive total of 196,000 votes, making Ana the most voted-for representative in the history of her state. She currently lives in Florianópolis with her husband and two daughters.

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