
An Introduction to the New World Order

An Introduction to the New World Order

The political and social organization of the world is a very complex topic and has always sparked intense debates. Even those who do not believe in centralizing global coordination efforts in the hands of just one group of people, in turn, develop their own theories about how the world functions and who should own it. However, contra factum non est argumentum: when it comes to the quest for world control, there is no longer room to deny the well-documented involvement of certain international organizations, families, and financial groups. Those who have never studied the topic in depth, having only heard a few things and wishing to avoid conspiracy theories and stick to the facts, will find a good starting point in the following pages. This book has the merit of not only introducing the subject to lay readers but also of presenting a broad overview of the characters involved and the actions already taken.

Product Details
Publisher Kirion Press
Author Alexandre Costa
Language English
Paperback 172 pages
ISBN-13 1959904108